amazon 101

2 min read

What retail metrics should you care about?

Amazon is a data-driven company. If you aren’t tracking and optimizing your approach based on the data, you are falling behind both competitors who...

2 min read

How to Leverage Retail Audiences on Amazon

In 2023, Amazon introduced Brand Tailored Promotions in Seller Central, a new promotional tool that allows sellers to offer discounts to carefully...

2 min read

Turning Negative Reviews into Positive Opportunities

If you’ve ever wondered, ‘What do we do about bad reviews?’ you aren’t alone. No one enjoys receiving bad reviews; they can hurt sales and increase...

5 min read

Don’t Worry About the New Amazon Inbound FBA Fee

Spoiler alert – The new inbound and FBA fees aren’t going to impact your profit nearly as much as poor inventory management and high returns will.

4 min read

The 7 keys for improving your brand’s CX on Amazon

This article was originally published by The Drum on March 16, 2022.

13 min read

Ultimate Guide To Amazon Acronyms (UGTAA)

Your handy guide to all the Amazon acronyms and terminology is finally here. We regularly get asked by clients and partners what different terms and...

3 min read

Amazon Explained: What is Brand Registry?

There’s no escaping the fact that, for some brands, Amazon represents digital retail’s wild west, rife with counterfeiters, unauthorized third party...