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Amazon Explained: A+ Content

Amazon Explained: A+ Content

Most brands are privy to the concept of ‘Retail Readiness’ and how it underpins a brand’s success on Amazon. Perfect listings are fundamental, so a ‘Retail Ready’ brand must pay close attention to its products’ images, title, bullet points, price, reviews/rating, inventory and Buy Box ownership. 

A+ Content, however, enhances a product’s ‘Retail Ready’ PDP to perfection. A+ brings the product’s features to life with detailed descriptions, charts, videos and high-quality images. 

Amazon provides brand registered sellers an additional 16 modules to provide the depth of information necessary to foster brand affinity and drive conversions. A+ media is key to a sophisticated Amazon shopping experience.

How does A+ enhance your brand?

The impact enhanced content has on a brand’s presence is significant and is proven to increase sales by between 3-10% (ref Amazon). In a nutshell, A+ elevates listings to become more captivating, trustworthy and skimmable for bottom of the funnel shoppers, pushing them to purchase.

A+ content is particularly effective in illustrating unique brand stories through visually appealing imagery and video. A+ is also deployed as an education tool: Amazon tells us that 90% of customers scroll to read a PDP’s reviews, so we can assume the same customers are scrolling through A+ content. It is also ideal for products which are premiumly priced or have multiple points of difference.

A+ Content Best Practices:

  • Emphasise your product’s point of differentiation
  • Keep the content succinct
  • Combine both imagery and text
  • Leverage product reviews
  • Pay attention to the image size and resolution
  • Keep it more visual and less textual
  • Keep your designs uniform
  • Experiment! A/B testing of A+ for one ASIN will help with optimisation.

A+ Premium (A++) for Niki’s

While Podean is well-versed in building and implementing A+ listings, it also created the first A+ Premium content in Australia for Niki’s, an all natural baby wipes brand and Amazon Launchpad member. Brands which are invited to graduate from A+ to A++ are given 4 extra features and 2 more module slots.  Additionally, A++ spans to fit the entire width of the shoppers’ screen, creating an all-encompassing, premium feel.

As well as some standard A+ features, Podean strategically selected the most fitting Premium elements for Niki’s PDP, including hotspot imagery, a slider carousel, video and a comparison chart (below). The information is presented to flow sensibly from one module to another, celebrating Niki’s homegrown, family story while providing the depth of information necessary for such a considered purchase. 

After launching Niki’s A+, Podean simultaneously ran Sponsored and Display campaigns which pushed consumers directly to the enhanced listings. One month after going live Niki’s experienced an ACOS that eclipsed industry benchmarks and exceeded aggressive sales targets which is exceptional for a challenger brand both new to the market and to Amazon. Podean has continued to assist Niki’s in leading the way as one of the most innovative and exciting new brands on Amazon Australia.


As Amazon and the competition within it continues to grow at such a rapid pace, brands must pivot and capitalise on features which will help them stand out. We have seen and felt first hand the positive impact that enhanced media has had on clients’ brand building and sales strategies. While not all sellers have the luxury of access to A+ Premium just yet, leveraging the free offering of A+ content will certainly help set them apart.

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