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Top 10 Blogs For Amazon Marketing Professionals

Top 10 Blogs For Amazon Marketing Professionals

Amazon is a goldmine of sorts, turning nearly everything it touches into gold.

But there is a vast field of competition when it comes to selling products on Amazon, and there are countless strategies you can follow when doing so. One thing’s for sure, if you are an Amazon seller or a marketing professional in charge of marketing your company’s product on Amazon, you can benefit from reading these top retail, E-commerce, and marketing blogs!

Each of these blogs is an excellent resource available to marketers looking to navigate and learn more about the potential of Amazon’s marketing and advertising platforms. Whether you are new to selling on Amazon or you are a seasoned pro that has been marketing products online for years, these blogs are a surefire way to help you stay on top of the game!

Our Overall Recommendation: www.InTheAmazon.com

This blog includes a twitter feed with lots of curated content, blog posts, interviews, product/platform reviews and articles from experts including many of those listed below (and even ourselves!) The blog also includes an opportunity to “Ask the Masked Amazonian” where readers can submit questions that will be answered by a very senior, yet anonymous, Amazon employee who will answer to the best of his/her knowledge without getting official Amazon approvals.

And you might be wondering why we are including links to competitors, it’s because we respect their POVs, and we hope the feeling is mutual. At the end of the day we’re all striving to help clients unlock the potential that Amazon provides.

1. Forbes Retail

Retail is changing, but it is still as alive and exciting as ever! The Forbes Retail blog covers all kinds of topics and brings actual solid data to back up their writings and predictions. Although they predominately write about standard retail practices, they do occasionally cover topics on E-commerce and online retailing. Forbes Retail uses a fun and engaging voice to keep you reading all the way to the end. Who says you can’t have fun and learn at the same time?

2. Amazon Advertising Blog

What better place to go for information about selling and advertising on Amazon than the company itself!? The Amazon Advertising blog provides essential tips and tricks that will help you understand the process and get ahead of your competition.

3. Shopify Blog

Shopify is an E-commerce and online retail giant that provides a platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. The Shopify blog talks about all things retail, business, and marketing and often reveals hot trends during their early stages. Whether or not you are using the Shopify platform for your website, you can learn a lot by keeping up with the Shopify blog.

4. A Better Lemonade Stand

A blog that is geared towards entrepreneurs in the E-commerce business – A Better Lemonade Standtouches on everything from advertising to useful apps for Amazon Sellers. The idea of creating a “better lemonade stand” is terrific. You wouldn’t think that a lemonade stand would need improving, but the idea is that no matter how successful you are or how basic the task at hand, there’s always room for improvement..

5. Bobsled Marketing Blog

Like Podean, the Bobsled Marketing blog covers all facets of marketing across the entire Amazon ecosystem! Whether you’re looking for helpful tips and tricks for selling on Amazon or you’re interested in learning how retail businesses run successfully on Amazon, you can find it at Bobsled Marketing. All in all, this is a helpful blog that covers Amazon business from end to end with a marketing focus.

6. ROI Revolution

ROI stands for “return on investment,” and the ROI Revolution blog focuses on just that! If you want to learn how to make a great return on investment from your Amazon business while keeping up to date on the latest news from Amazon, this is a great blog to read.

7. Sellers Lab

A practical blog that focuses on easy ways to implement popular advertising and marketing strategies into your Amazon business. The Sellers Lab blog regularly posts extremely helpful data and information on new marketing and E-commerce resources.

8. Merkle

Merkle’s blog that focuses on improving your Amazon product ranking through SEO descriptions and marketing strategies. Many posts on this blog cover specific ways you can implement copywriting or advertising into your products listed on Amazon. In addition to Amazon specific SEO, Merkle highlights changes and trends in the Amazon marketplace.


SEMrush is a blog that centers entirely around pay-per-click (PPC) and cost-per-click (CPC) advertising. The blog goes hand in hand with an accompanying podcast that covers search engine marketing and online retail topics.

10. Podean Blog

Of course we couldn’t leave ourselves out. Here at Podean, we provide top-notch thought leadership and the best Amazon related insights from around the globe for you to read. The Podean blog is an excellent place to regularly feed your brain with Amazon insight designed for marketers! If you’re hungry for more, check out our LinkedIn and Twitter feeds where we share our own and other great content regularly!




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