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Is Email The Amazon Marketers Secret Weapon?

Is Email The Amazon Marketers Secret Weapon?

Getting customers into your selling funnel is one of the most vital tasks for any Amazon seller. There are dozens of effective ways to grab potential customer’s attention and encourage them towards choosing your product, but here we will explore how a good email marketing strategy can boost your sales and overall profits quicker than you might expect.

Email is a unique tool that is often overlooked by Amazon marketers. After all, the quickest way to grab the attention of your potential buyers is straight through their inbox if possible. When played correctly, your emails could be a welcomed site by your potential and regular customers!

A good email marketing strategy can produce more than just a pipeline of customers, it can help generate solid seller feedback and good reviews. Authentic customer reviews are a key ingredient in making any successful Amazon business – with a massive amount of 5-star reviews, you can be almost guaranteed regular and consistent sales.

To be successful, you will need to set yourself apart from all of the standard, spammy marketing emails that most companies send out daily to your customers.

There is an average of 281 billion emails sent each day in the world and only 3.5 billion email users. So it’s safe to say that most people’s emails get cluttered with all sorts of things.

How can you set yourself apart in your customer’s inbox?

Let’s take a look at Amazon itself for a moment. Amazon is very tact when dealing with its customers through email, being careful not to overdue or misuse its access into their inboxes.

The most common emails sent from Amazon to customers are

  1. The welcome email to new users
  2. The receipt email
  3. The confirmation email
  4. The thank-you email

In each of these types of emails that Amazon sends out, there is a clear purpose that is usually met with acceptance by its receiver and given at least a quick look-over. Often these purposeful emails are also embedded with suggestions and links to more products and upsells that the customer might be interested in exploring. However, Amazon emails are rarely sent out solely to suggest seemingly random products to its customers. It’s important to keep in line with the example that Amazon is setting for marketing through email.

Jeff Bezos stated, “We’ve had three big ideas at Amazon that we’ve stuck with for 18 years, and they’re the reason we’re successful: Put the customer first. Invent. And be patient”

This principle applies to interacting with potential and existing clients through email. Give them useful information, treat them well, create unique content and experiences, and be patient!


A customer who purchases your product on Amazon is not really your customer; they’re Amazon’s customer. And Amazon takes substantial measures to prevent you from stealing their customers. This is why Amazon does not typically provide its sellers with customer emails. But there are some ways around this obstacle.

How to reach the right people

For one way to collect customers’ emails, you will need to choose a search engine tool to aid in the acquisition. Many of the tools available can take a URL of an Amazon product listing and provide the names, emails, and other helpful information about them.

You only want to engage in email marketing in the inboxes of those who are interested in your product or are at least willing to receive your emails. So using the right tool that grabs public info and choosing the right lists to draw from are essential steps in this process.

It’s important to note that email marketing is not a free-for-all! There are actually more rules than you might think. For instance, the United States: CAN-SPAM Act regulates email marketing, essentially it just enforces the fact that you shouldn’t spam people. On top of that, Amazon itself has rather strict rules in place for its sellers when it comes to email marketing with the email addresses acquired from the platform. The big no’s are:

  1. Don’t use emails acquired on Amazon to direct users to another site.
  2. Don’t send out ads!

You can feel free to reply to your customers and email them the information needed to finish an order, as well as ask for their feedback and reviews, but do not abuse your access to these emails when given it.

With all that being said, you are allowed to take email addresses gathered elsewhere and send ads and other emails directing them to your Amazon listings!

But how can you gather these valuable email addresses outside of Amazon?

One way to do this is by driving traffic to an Amazon landing page and exchanging a single-use promotion code for their email. When someone enters an email, they get a promo code, then go to the Amazon listing and enter said code to purchase your product at a lower price. This effectively provides you with a valuable email address that you can use how you wish for marketing – whether that be promoting your eCommerce store outside of Amazon or by driving more traffic to your Amazon listings.

As your email lists begin to grow, they will most definitely aid in your marketing plan. As a “secret weapon,” it isn’t one of the easiest forms of marketing to begin with, but as you are able to build the number of emails collected, it can quickly become your golden egg for marketing.

Make groups and store data

Once you begin building the goldmine that is your customer email list, break it down into categorized groups based on the information you have on them and their purchase history. Store as much data on each customer and each email you send as possible. The data on how your email marketing campaigns perform will provide invaluable information and direction on how you can continue to use email marketing to boost your profit and ultimately, your success!

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