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Unlock the Secrets to Why Your Brand Store Isn’t Performing

Unlock the Secrets to Why Your Brand Store Isn’t Performing

The age-old question: Why isn’t my Brand Store converting? You have engaging images and videos. All the products from your catalog are organized in your Store. Your reviews are solid. Yet, you aren’t seeing the visitors, engagement, or sales you expected.

This is not uncommon. While Brand Stores seem like a straightforward addition to any brand’s presence on Amazon, some key elements affect a Store’s success.

Let’s dive into some common challenges that come with owning a Brand Store and a few solutions to help streamline Brand Store maintenance.


Common Perception: Brand Stores offer a “blank canvas” for brands to tell their story on Amazon.

Common Reality: Your Brand Store layout is long and complicated.

Podean’s Solution: Streamline the customer shopping experience.

Think of your Brand Store as a continuation of your DTC site. Ask yourself: What customer experience do I provide on my website and how can that experience be translated to Amazon? You know your path to purchase, there is no need to rework something that is already working.

Your core DTC site likely was built considering a customer’s attention span; your Amazon presence should be built out the same. Consider engaging customers with a short, looped video and keep product grids intentional on the homepage.

Common Perception: Visitors to the Store will always complete a purchase.

Common Reality: Your Sales Per Visitor data is down and not improving.

Podean Solution: Have a direct path on the Brand Store for the customer to complete a sale. 

While the Brand Store must tell a story, mapping the customer journey is just as important. In other words, once a customer clicks on your Store, they need somewhere to go. Consider adding “Shop Now” CTAs on product images on your homepage that lead customers to specific product PDPs or other Brand Store subpages. Utilize split section modules to include a blend of product and lifestyle imagery with ASIN previews that lead to product PDPs. 

Building your Store around the customer journey will increase your bounce rate, as well as decrease sales per visitor and dwell time.

Common Perception: New product additions to the Brand Store will see immediate recognition and engagement.

Common Reality: Your new product releases are not receiving the sales or engagement you expected.

Podean Solution: Creatively using Amazon’s provided modules will help you drive storewide engagement. 

While every brand on Amazon has access to the same module types on their Brand Stores, there are multiple ways to be creative with the modules to drive your store’s success. For example, header and standard image modules combined with a CTA moving customers to the product’s PDP are perfect for introducing new items to your catalog. 

Viewing your content across Amazon as part of one cohesive customer journey allows you to bring innovative ideas to your Amazon presence. Consider adding a “Visit the Store” module on your Brand Story to drive “free” media to your Store.  Before any launch or content refresh, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with how to use content opportunities throughout Amazon to increase engagement and traffic across your brand. Want a deep dive into your content on Amazon? Contact us.

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